The Unpack™ by MinxNY: 5 Beach Bag Essentials for Your Perfect Hygge Holiday

The Unpack™ by MinxNY: 5 Beach Bag Essentials for Your Perfect Hygge Holiday

Planning a trip to a shore? A long weekend flee? Lounging your leisure away poolside? Whatever your escape hatch of choice, pack these 5 must-haves to get body, mind and spirit in full Hygge (enjoying life and seizing the moment) mode for the most chillaxingly fun summer ever:


1. Skin Stuff:

93 million miles away or not, the sun does a number on our hides in summer & you best be packing protection. The Equate sunblock line from Walmart gets high marks from us and Consumer Reports, as does Trader Joe’s Nourish Spray SPF 50+. Après rays, you need a great scrub-off exfoliating mechanism to rid your dermis of all that dried-and-dead stuff, the more natural the better. For body, try wondrously effective (and office fave): Body Exfoliating Mitt. For the ultimate fresh face, get the light touch of our 2-in-1 Make-up Remover and Exfoliating Cloth

5 Things for Your Best Hygge Summer Beach Trip

2. Mind Stuff:

Read much? That's OK. Sadly, most of us lack the time and/or attention spans for much perusal these days, but a summer break is the perfect time to retrain the old brain to engage with the pleasure of a great book/eBook/Audible recording. In addition to a Hygge tome (try the satisfying yet wee and portable, The Little Book of Hygge), we've stacked our bag with several recommended reads, paperbacks, natch (also see below).

Best Books for Your Hygge Beach Bag

3. Feet Stuff:

Hello!?! Did you think we'd tiptoe past your toes? We're obsessed with soft, softening socks. Sorry we like our feet silky and supple. Maybe it’s just us (not). After a long day of sun, sand and surf (what torture!), there’s truly nothing like the soothing, toes-y treat of reflexology, argan oil-infused slipper socks. Go ahead, safely pad around those cold, tile beach condo floors as they cushion, soften and message your put-upon plates. Pick up a pair (or actually two—they come in convenient 2-packs): Non skid chenille socks with grippers.

Reflexology non-skid slipper socks with grippers

4. Beach Stuff:

Speaking of sand, you need a great towel between you and it (or you and your beach chair). We have one that dries like a dream (so you can take a second dip) and dries YOU like a dream. (Something about the high tech fabric sucks the moisture away in, like, one second.) It also packs teensily, folding to the size of one of those cute baguette purses. Final detail we love: The pocket! For your: phone, money and keys. No more tragic “I can’t finds” in the sand. Summer stress averted! Check out our: BeachTech High Performance Beach Towel.

Best Beach Towel for Your Hygge Beach Getaway

5. Hygge Stuff:

Did you think toting one little Hygge book was enough? Nope! Now you gotta actually practice what you preach. Sure, Hygge is about sensations, experiences, the clink of a glass by the sound of the waves, the taste of the tropical drink, the thrill of a good read, all the while feeling the sun on your newly smooth skin and soft feet. But it's also about noticing while it’s happening and really, really appreciating it. So do. And remember to tell your companions how much you enjoy spending time with them and what they mean to you. There. NOW you're good to go.

5 Hygge Beach Bag Essentials:

5 Things to Pack in Your Beach Bag-Hygge-MinxNY

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